Lesson-plan templates and guidelines

Set-up prepared by Michael Rubens in only 45 min

Students follow instructor’s lead and create their own stories, games and quests on the subject matter, activating teaching-pedagogical intelligence
Set up – Learning objective and Lesson Plan
State your learning objective
By the end of the session the participants should be able to demonstrate critical reasoning skills.., understand the concept of.., present answers to.., become substantially proficient in.., find creative solutions to.., empathize with.., produce a ...

Map your lesson plan – subject intro/ instructions/ example/ practice and assessment / reflection
Set up – select items from our 3D library or plug-in your own
Upload characters
Upload 360 environments
Upload props
Set up - Subject review
Upload public MP4 Files or plug-in your own presentation
Record VR video instructions and explanations
Record 3d role-play to deliver the subject from different perspectives
Record Q&A quiz and set research objective
Combine all of the above into one multi-layered exploration quest
Practice and Assessment
Challenge participants to complete team building exercise and communicate effectively, collaborate to solve problems, create stories and art projects together, follow the blueprint and assemble items or parts, research answers to a quiz and come up with additional Q&A, create examples explaining subjects in a role-play improvisation using new vocabulary, make their own quests to challenge peers.

Prompt students to email VR video report about in-class progress for your review and assessment. Provide feedback to the group.
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